Parish Penance Service
In addition to the Diocese-wide Reconciliation Monday Penance Service (April 14), St. Edmond will be offering a Parish Lenten Penance Service on Monday, April 07, at 6:00 p.m. Multiple priests will be available to hear your confession in the Church. If you are unable to make it to this service, other local churches from the Diocese of Wilmington will also offer Penance Services on different dates throughout Lent.
Reconciliation Monday
Our fourth annual Reconciliation Monday will take place on Monday of Holy Week, April 14, from 3 until 8 p.m. Not only will we have confession here in our church during that time, but all parishes in the diocese will be holding confessions. If it is more convenient for you to go to another church closer to work or school, feel free to do so. Please invite those friends, neighbors and family members who have been away from the Sacraments to take advantage of this opportunity. Visit for more information.
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent, St. Edmond will offer the Stations of the cross. This is an opportunity to join in prayer with fellow parishioners! Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday of Lent beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Church. Stations of the Cross will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Good Friday.
Music Changes During Lent
As in past years, throughout the season of Lent there are several changes in the liturgical music. During the Penitential Rite we will sing the Greek words “Kyrie eleison”, meaning, “Lord, have mercy”. Greek was the first language of the Church and these words were never translated into Latin. It is believed that the primary reason why “Kyrie Eleison” was not translated in Latin is because the words would have lost their original meaning. The Greek words for “Lord, have mercy” are “Kyrie eleison” that is to say, “Lord, soothe me, comfort me,
take away my pain, show me your steadfast love.” Thus, mercy does not refer so much to justice or acquittal but to the infinite loving kindness of God and his compassion for his children. Considering this explanation, the phrase comes alive and highlights the beauty and depth of God’s mercy. The Church chose those words centuries ago specifically for their deep and powerful meaning. The Gloria is not sung or recited and the Gospel Acclamation changes to “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ” instead of “Alleluia” which is an expression of rejoicing. Another change we make during Lent is singing the “Lamb of God” in Latin. This can be found in the Breaking Bread Hymnals, #846. Before Masses were permitted to be celebrated in the vernacular of the country, all Masses were in Latin. We sing “Agnus Dei” to remind us that we are part of the universal Church.
Lenten Retreat
On Saturday, April 05 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall, Father Bill Gore will be conducting a Lenten Retreat sponsored by the Star of the Sea Council 7297 of the Knights of Columbus. The topic of the Retreat is: Lent, on the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. A refresher.
The Schedule for the Retreat is as follows:
9:00 to 9:30 a.m. Complimentary Refreshments
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Retreat Presentation, Part 1
10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. to Noon Retreat Presentation, Part 2 and Q & A
The retreat is open to all Knights and St. Edmond parishioners and guests. There will be no charge to attend this spiritual event. In order to have adequate refreshments, Knights are asked to register on the Signup Genius on the Council's website, and parishioners and other guests can register by calling Grand Knight Dave Eason at 202-281-0264.