Non-Liturgical Ministries

Non-Liturgical Ministries

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, acts in an advisory role to the Pastor to help him identify parish needs, define parish policies, and develop and evaluate parish programs and activities. There are twelve members, along with several ex-officio members, such as the Associate Pastor, parish deacons, and the heads of Religious Education and Parish Communications. The Pastor, as President, and an Executive Officer preside over the Council and its committees.

Some of the specific responsibilities of the Council include:

  • Facilitating the annual strategic planning process for all standing committees and evaluating whether St. Edmond’s is meeting the goals outlined in the Parish Mission Statement.
  • Promoting regular communication and understanding among parish committees and organizations, and between the parish, the diocese, and the universal church.
  • Communicating on at least an annual basis with parishioners about the status of parish affairs, and soliciting their input on parish programs and activities.
  • Providing oversight of the activities of all parish committees and ministries.
  • Appointing and supervising ad hoc committees, as needed, for special projects and events.
  • Reviewing the parish’s annual budget and financial statements as prepared and submitted by the parish Finance Council.

The Pastoral Council meets monthly, September through May. Parishioners are welcome to attend or contact a Pastoral Council member by clicking on their email link below.

Click here or check our Parish Events tab for specific meeting dates, time, and location.

Click here for the Pastoral Council minutes.

2022 Pastoral Council Members’ Roster


Fr. William Cocco — Pastor (President)

Rose Marie Patin — Executive Officer

Tom Carter — Recording Secretary

Ministry Chairs

Connie Benko — Liturgy

Vacant — Building and Maintenance

Marie Kopf — Director of Religious Education

Susan Ondish — Parish Family Life

Bob Wolhar — Salt & Light, Respect Life

At-Large Representative- Vacant

Ex Officio Members

Deacon Jim Cadigan —

Deacon Dave McDowell —

Deacon Jim Walls —

Deacon Bob Sprouse —

Organization Liaisons

Dave Eason — Knights of Columbus Grand Knight

Michael Renner — St. Vincent de Paul President

Building and Maintenance

The Building and Maintenance Ministry oversees the necessary upkeep, repair, care and maintenance of our parish building and property. Members recommend short and long term capital improvements in response to the physical plant needs of the parish.

The Building and Maintenance Ministry meets as required from September until June. If there are major projects undertaken, additional meetings are scheduled as special project reviews.  Click here or check our Parish Events tab for specific meeting dates, time, and location.

There is always a need for volunteers who are handy, and who have a willingness to match their interests and skills with general maintenance and repairs for the church properties.

Annual March for Life

As the “Mission of St. Edmond’s Respect Life Ministry” is to promote and advocate for the protection of the sanctity of life in all phases from conception to natural death…”, we participate in the Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. We march proudly with our banner: ‘Life What a Beautiful Choice’ (see photo) under the direction of our chair, Barbara Riggs.

Holding onto that hope, we pray that this might be our final ‘walk up to the hill’ to defend life; we would like all future trips would be in thanksgiving and praise to Our God who commands us always to “CHOOSE LIFE” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Please contact Barbara for more information at 302 226 4947 or email at

Finance Council


  • Assist the pastor
  • Administer parish goods
  • Observe and facilitate the preparation of the annual budget
  • Ensure complete and accurate bookkeeping
  • Develop a financial plan
  • Monitor surplus parish funds


Fr. William Cocco

Gordon Kaiser -

Yvonne Bailey -

Ditmar Kopf -

Nick Caggiano -

Coleen Collins -

Jim Falk (Executive Officer)-

Deacon Jim Walls -

Parish Family Life

The Parish Family Life Committee provides for a holistic growth and development of the parish family. The committee promotes Christian community and personal development and enrichment for families and individuals of St. Edmond. The programs and events are based on promoting values of the parish family and our Catholic faith. The Committee sponsors the annual parish picnic, Sunday coffee times, parish dinners, and other events. More information may be obtained by calling the parish office (302 227 4550) or emailing Susan Ondish, committee chair at

Salt and Light

Bob Wolhar, Ministry Group Chairperson

The goal of Salt and Light is to inform and involve people and resources of the Parish in service to one another, whether to meet the immediate needs of the persons in distress, or to address larger socio-economic problems and human rights in the community.

The Salt and Light Ministry consists of four ministries:

Good Samaritan Ministry:  This ministry provides free rides to both parishioners and non parishioners living within our parish boundaries to church, doctor's appointments, hospital visits and other places in the discretion of the chairperson. 

Respect Life Ministry:  This ministry advocates respecting life under all circumstances, such as opposition to abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, and stem cell research. It sponsors a bus to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.. each January; participates in peaceful vigils at the Dover Planned Parenthood Office during Lent and October, which is Respect Life Month; participates at the Life Chain at St. Jude's on Good Friday; sponsors a Baby Bottle Campaign each October which benefits the Sussex Pregnancy Center; sponsors a "Life, what a beautiful choice" billboard on Rt 1, across from St. Jude's Church and has recently sponsored an anti-death penalty speaker at several of our Masses.

International Student Dinners Ministry (ISOP): This ministry provides free dinners to J1 Visa international students working in our resort area every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:30 pm during the summer. We average about 150 students per dinner. We also assist students with other needs such a bicycles, housing, jobs, and bus tickets for visits to Washington, D.C. Philadelphia, and other places. 

Christmas Giving Tree:  This ministry places a Christmas tree in the front of the inside of the church for several weeks at the end of November and the beginning of December each year. The tree is decorated with tags listing clothing and toy items requested by needy children in the Cape Henlopen School District. Each year this ministry provides 100 needy children with one toy and one item of clothing for Christmas. 

All contacts for assistance or to join these ministries may be made through the parish office at 302-227-4550.

International Student Outreach

Looking for a Summer activity that doesn't require much time but offers a chance to meet interesting people from around the world? Each summer, members and friends of Saint Edmond parish serves the international students working in the area as summer guest workers. Dinners are served on Thursday evenings during July and August as part of the International Student Outreach Program (ISOP). This fascinating ministry provides food and fellowship to the college and university students who journey to our shores for seasonal resort work. Many volunteers have returned season after season as they enjoy meeting and greeting these young people and giving them an experience of American hospitality and Christian care. You are invited to volunteer for one dinner or as many as you like. For more information, please contact Terri Crovato at

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