Elijah Cup Ministry

Elijah Cup Ministry

St. Edmond has introduced a ministry to pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life, called the Elijah Cup.  The Elijah Cup is a chalice that has been used to consecrate the Precious Blood at Mass.

Each weekend a family, couple, or individual who has signed up are called forward at the designated Mass of their choice to receive the Elijah Cup with a special prayer written to accompany it.  By taking the Elijah Cup they have committed themselves to pray during the week, in the name of our parish, the vocation prayer in thanksgiving for all those generously sharing in Church ministry and in particular for the gift of sisters, brothers, priests, and deacons.

All are invited to participate in this program.  We encourage you to sign up for one week at a Mass time of your choice, and then attend the designated Mass to receive the Elijah Cup.  Sign up for this ministry may be done by completing the form below or by calling the parish office at 302 227 4550.

It is our hope that this experience will encourage each of us to take seriously our vocation as a member of the Body of Christ and encourage ALL of us to pray for the gift of vocations and priesthood, diaconate, and religious life (not just the family with the Elijah Cup for the week!)

We believe the Spirit is calling forth men and women from our faith community to these roles of service.  May our prayer help inspire young women and men to be attentive to the movement of the Spirit within them and to step forward in faith and with generous hearts to wherever the Spirit leads them.

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