Option 1: Please print out the form below:
Option 2: Complete the form below.
Welcome to St. Edmond, please tell us about yourself!
If you are married, please provide your spouse's information below.
How can we contact you?
Please indicate if your telephone number is a home or mobile phone.
St. Edmond parish uses email to contact our parishioners and friends. By providing your email address, you acknowledge and consent to receive emails from St. Edmond parish. Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, or give your email to anyone without your permission. At any point, you can select the link at the bottom of an email to unsubscribe, but we hope you won't.
Would you like to contribute to St. Edmond?
We have many parishioners who join us soley for the summer months, if you are a seasonal parishioner please let us know below.
Please tell us more about the head of household. Select one answer to each of the following questions.
If you are married, please tell us more about your spouse. Select one answer to each of the following questions.
If you have children at home, please answer the following questions regarding your child or children.
There are many ways to get involved here at St. Edmond! If you have an interest in joining any of our ministries or organizations please check the apporpriated boxe below.
If you have an interest in joining any of our Liturgy Committee ministries please check them below.
If you have an iterest in joining any of our Christian Formation Committee ministries please check them below.
If you have an interest in joining any of our Parish & Family Life ministries please check them below.
If you have an interest in joining any of our Salt & Light Ministries please check them below.
If you have an interest in joining any of our Building & Maintenance ministries please check them below.
If you have an interest in joining any of our affiliated organizations please check them below.
401 King Charles Avenue
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Phone: 302-227-4550Fax: 302-227-4557Email: administrator@stedmond.org
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